Can you smell the fresh pine while you huddle for warmth around a crackling fire under one of Hammerton's Log & Timber chandeliers?

Such a contrast from the exuberance of Ironies' Neblina with its profusion of acrylic flowers to the spare, icy branches of Porta Romana's Blossom.

What could be more fun, functional and affordable than the Thru the Trees from Urban Outfitters, or the simple, clip-on, etched stainless steel flowers from Tord Boontje through ConranUSA. A light bulb has never had it so good, it's a bit like playing dress-up!

And then for over-the-top, piece de resistance, creme de la creme, pull all the stops out, jaw-dropping WOW ~ the Flowerfall from Oly Studio and the found object magic of the Magpie Chandelier from

Nature's beauty and bounty, what could be more illuminating?
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